
Canvas and Zoom

During the week of the conference, we will begin to add registrants to our FabLearn 2020 Canvas page. There, you will find the up-to-date webinar links for each session. If you have registered, look for an email with instructions for accessing the site titled “Accessing your Online Course” and sent from the email from John Park (jp3471@tc.columbia.edu). After following the steps in this email to sign in for the first time, you should be able to access the conference site through the “Non-UNI Canvas Login” page at https://tc.instructure.com/login/canvas.

All conference webinars will use Zoom. Please be sure to download, install, and update to the latest version of Zoom to ensure that you have the most up-to-date controls. If you do not have the latest version of Zoom, some functionality might not work well, especially your ability to move between different breakout sessions.

For panelists and full paper presenters:

On October 7, we will begin sending you invites to the webinar sessions in which you are presenting. Please reach out to nyc2020-registration@fablearn.global if you are not added to the appropriate session or you do not receive a link. For full paper presenters, only the corresponding author has been added as a presenter. If a paper has more than one presenter, please contact us and provide the email addresses of the additional presenters. Full paper presenters should log into the Zoom session via the email address used to submit your paper in EasyChair.

For poster presenters (demos, short papers, and Young Makers):

Starting October 7, we will pre-assign all poster presenters to their own Zoom breakout rooms where you will be able to share your project. During the poster sessions, conference attendees will be able to choose which rooms to visit.

We recommend all presenters arrive at your webinar room approximately 10 minutes before the session is scheduled to begin. If you’ve been asked by your track chair to add slides to a shared slide deck, please do so!

If you have any questions about conference logistics, please reach out to nyc2020-registration@fablearn.global
For presenters, please check in with your track chair if you have any questions specifically about your session.